Noodle color is correlated to the wheats used:
1) white & brightness of dried noodle decreases with increasing protein level.
2) color varies with textural changes during boiling.
3) the intensity of yellowness is developed in the alkaline medium
The gray discoloration of noodles may be caused by the oxidation of tyrosine with consequent melanin formation. The yellow color is governed by the presence of germ particles in the flour. Differences in brightness and yellowness is closely linked to wheat cultivar, milling extraction rate, protein content, starch damage, and brown and yellow pigments. In general noodle brightness is related inversely to protein content and to flour-grade color. As protein content increases, the eating quality becomes more attractive, yet the color becomes more objectionable.
Our next-generation enzyme cocktail is formulated to incorporate softer wheats while improving color stability of wheat-based noodles. Our Lipase/Phospholipase technology combined with a unique Cellulase works synergistically with the Glucose Oxidase. Lipoproteins and glycoproteins play a mayor role in functionality, taste and structure of noodles. Their 3D structures will be enhanced by interaction with specific lipases and starch acting enzymes. There by they will improve waterbinding capacity of the starch protein matrix, rigidity of the structure and in directed cases color & color stability.